Interior & Architecture - Food & Beverage

Isola Gelato

Interior & Architecture
Isola Gelato
120 sqm
Wangan Studio
Kerem Özerler, Kutay Yorulmaz, Mert Can Uzyıldırım, Yaşar Güney, Hazal Günal, İpek Gönenç, Şule Kurşuncu, Merve Köse

Isola Gelato opened its first store in the Bahamas with the idea of becoming a global ice cream chain. The experience and architectural design of Isola Gelato, which bears traces of the unique geography and culture of the Caribbean, was designed by Wangan.

The location welcomes guests with a tall tower structure at the entrance and manages to reflect the warm and joyful spirit of the region in an artistic line with the installations inside the tower.

In the center of the interior is a workbench with clean and sharp lines

made of stainless material and an open production area just behind it.

The same material, which appears in the form of a radius on the ceiling, forms a design line that reflexively envelopes the entire space. Behind the bar is a brick wall that stands out for its minimalist style and in front of this wall, patterned panels of bamboo basket weave inspired by Caribbean culture were added as a second layer. Reflecting the local craftsmanship, these raw wooden panels, held together with ropes and supporting a wall lamp, create a synthesis that blends with the simple atmosphere of the space while in the production area appears a colorful and eye-catching wall design of patterned ceramics.

Isola Gelato's experience and architectural design, inspired by the unique geography and culture of the Caribbean, subtly reflects the warm and joyful spirit of the region.