Interior & Architecture - Food & Beverage


Interior & Architecture
Kuşadası | Aydın
280 sqm
Wangan Studio
Kerem Özerler, Kutay Yorulmaz, Mert Can Uzyıldırım

Crave, whose experiential, interior, and brand design was created by Wangan, is a food and beverage brand where artisan burgers and Pinsa products are served together. In addition to the brand identity and architectural designs, the studio also designs feasibility studies, furniture, menus, packaging, labels, and service elements. At the heart of the project is the idea of creating a new generation of "comfort food" brands that appeals to different target groups. 

Crave, which was designed with the awareness that what makes a meal "comfort food" is the experience and memories created around the meal, has the mission of becoming a brand where good memories are shared around the brand and spatial experience by getting rid of the "guilty pleasure" concept of burgers and pizza. 

The energetic and vibrant color palette that attracts attention in the design of the restaurant whose first branch opened in Kuşadası is balanced by the use of calm and serene materials.

The energetic and vibrant color palette that attracts attention in the design of the restaurant whose first branch opened in Kuşadası is balanced by the use of calm and serene materials. The ceramics placed in front of the column beam system left in the reinforced concrete create a strong visual perception with their eye-catching colors while the pastel-colored cast mosaics on the floor and walls give the space a calm and warm atmosphere.

In the center of the main volume is the bar structure, which also stands out for its color, and the open kitchen area, which allows direct and transparent communication with the customer. The softly colored wooden servants and the pop-art artwork on the walls distinguish the space from a classic fine-dining restaurant and refer to the brand's playful "comfort food" identity.