Interior & Architecture - Exhibition Interior & Architecture - Food & Beverage

Ara Güler Müzesi + Leica Showroom + Monochrome Brasserie

Interior & Architecture , Interior & Architecture
Doğuş Hospitality and Retail
435 sqm
Wangan Studio
Emre Dörter
Red Dot Design Award 'Best of the Best'
Kerem Özerler, Kutay Yorulmaz, Mert Can Uzyıldırım, Yaşar Güney, İrem Nur Öğmen

Galataport, a project located on a 1.2-kilometer stretch of coastline between the Istanbul Karaköy ferry terminal and the Fındıklı campus of the Mimar Sinan Faculty of Fine Arts, opened in October 2021. The AGLM project, which will be used as a joint venue for the Ara Güler Museum and Monochrome and Leica brands within the Doğuş Group and whose experience and interior design were undertaken by Wangan, is one of the most important projects of Galataport, itself planned as the city's new cultural and arts center.

"Exceptional design, exceptional presentation."

Wangan's main design decision in this project was to build the experience story on the commonalities of the brands rather than treat these different functions separately, thus finding an answer to the challenging design requirement of uniting a museum, a café, and a photo camera store in an area of 435 square meters. The main mass, covered with a three-dimensional pattern in the center of the space and containing the kitchen area of Monochrome, was inspired by the traditional shape of the aperture, one of the fundamental elements of photography, and the camera, which is the common point of the three brands. 

This mass, in which the Leica showcases and the exhibition cases of the Ara Güler Museum are located, becomes one of the most dominant elements of the project, attracting attention from both outside and inside thanks to the light games that are created on it thanks to its three-dimensional structure. 

In the areas belonging to the Ara Güler Museum, the studio uses black and white tones with hard materials such as natural stone and metal with sharp lines, while in the areas belonging to Monochrome, it uses amber tones with rounded lines and soft materials such as wood.

The three-dimensional pattern of the main mass in the center of the room was inspired by the traditional shape of the aperture, one of the basic elements of photography, and the camera.